He was in a liquor store in New Jersey? Isn't that about 200 miles from his residence in Warwick?
That's a helluva drive to get whisky!
i was howling watching cedars latest video of tm111 buying a dozen bottles of scotch ((maccallans scotch).
you can't write this stuff.
right, i'm now off to buy a bottle of maccallans 😂..
He was in a liquor store in New Jersey? Isn't that about 200 miles from his residence in Warwick?
That's a helluva drive to get whisky!
according to a recent filing, the watchtower has ordered reddit to give them the name of one of their posters who has used their right of free speech.
they are calling it copyright infringement.
but, we all know this is just another routine "hit" ordered by the watchtower mafia.
I saw this on Reddit last week and recognised the name "Darkspilver."
He used to be on this forum and was very frequently the first to provide certain news reports & information about the org.
However, a previous contributor on this site pointed out a glaring discrepancy in Darkspilver's "contributions", namely, that he never once criticised or disparaged the organisation, Quite the opposite.
Nor did he reveal that he was a devout & committed JW as he's now claiming in his court papers:
Page 7 of 25: Doe’s Need for Anonymity.
"Doe is a lifelong member of the Jehovah’s Witness community. Declaration of John Doe (Darkspilver) in Supp. Mot. Quash Subpoena to Reddit, Inc. Seeking Identify (“Doe Decl.”)
Many of Doe’s friends and family members are Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Doe cares deeply about this religious community and believes in many of its teachings, but Doe also has questions, doubts, and concerns about of the organization, including developments in its teachings and practices over recent years."
It's clear that while he was here he never voiced any "questions, doubts or concerns" about his beloved "slave."
Something's not kosher here! Is the org indulging in Trojan Horse tactics?
albert einstein said "i like to think the moon is there even if i'm not looking at it".. i'm thinking the double slit experiments could have been a major factor in his attitude towards qm.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/double-slit_experiment.
"[t]he atoms or elementary particles themselves are not real; they form a world of potentialities or possibilities rather than one of things or facts.".
werner heisenberg.
The awesomeness of the universe is simply beyond all human comprehension.
Travelling at the same speed as the fastest object ever created by man - Helios 2 - at a constant speed of 150,000 mph (240,000 km/hr) – it would take 19,000 years to travel the mere 4.2 light years to the nearest star/solar system, Proxima Centauri.
What would happen to a spacecraft if a piece of space debris the size of a tennis ball hit it at that speed?
Nice animation in this:
....the end of march will be the end of may!
(she can't last more than a fortnight, can she?).
if you've any spare cash, bet on the uk not leaving the e.u.
A day or two before the axe falls on the pantomime of Brexit, I'm prepared for the government or Parliament declaring that "desperate times call for desperate measures" Decisions which the electorate never agreed to will then be implemented.
The E.U.s treaty has been roundly rejected twice by Parliament - and probably again tonight. May's "deal" is a Norwegian Blue - it's a dead parrot. It is deceased!
....the end of march will be the end of may!
(she can't last more than a fortnight, can she?).
if you've any spare cash, bet on the uk not leaving the e.u.
....the end of March will be the end of May! (she can't last more than a fortnight, can she?)
If you've any spare cash, bet on the UK not leaving the E.U. this year. After all, as some MP's are now saying, "the referendum was only advisory."
UK politicians have only agreed on one thing - Britain cannot leave the EU without a deal.
In that case, the only alternative will be to stop the bus heading for the alleged "cliff-edge" and promise a future referendum after the next general election.
Even "The Fugitive" with David Janssen didn't last this long!
i actually visited the kh a few days ago.
i just needed to see some friends.
i hadn't been in months.
Visiting just to see old friends is understandable - perhaps even beneficial for a little while.
As far as attending a KH for "spiritual food" goes, I think of the scripture which says something about a dog returning to its vomit.
all are bookmarked and searchable.. .. 1986--1990. https://we.tl/t-sqgt9exh5k .
.. 1991--2000. https://we.tl/t-qzbfbiacq8.
.. 2001--2010. https://we.tl/t-yaw2lety01.
so here is a newer post over on that other site that reminds me of wash, rinse, and repeat.. this could be "our last memorial"!!!!
by shannie, wednesday at 08:14 pm in our meetings, ministry, and life as a christian.
well once again the memorial is upon us... tonight at our meeting.. .
We should refer to it as the "Rejection Memorial" or "Voyeur Memorial" from now on, and get PIMI JW's to jump-start their thinking processes.
Or simply ask them, "Why are you compelled to be a spectator at a ritual which is none of your business? A single Bible verse or principle will suffice."
watctower has posted a $40,000,000 bond following montana's upholding of the nunez v watchtower verdict of 2018. punitive damages have been upheld, and wt has purchased the bond from travelers insurance (35m+ interest)-montana sc will rule later this year on the appeal.. .
Lovely to see! Thanks.
Original source?
first minister nicola sturgeon is a) promising another independence vote and b) saying that an independent scotland would apply to join the e.u.. independent from england, but a vassal state of the e.u.. if it unfolds the way she wants it to, get ready for a scotland-england backstop argument for a hard border/soft border, followed by england refusing to allow scotland to continue using sterling as its currency.
not to mention scots arguing amongst themselves whether to keep the queen as head of state or not.
happy days ahead!
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is a) promising another independence vote and b) saying that an independent Scotland would apply to join the E.U.
Independent from England, but a vassal state of the E.U.
If it unfolds the way she wants it to, get ready for a Scotland-England backstop argument for a hard border/soft border, followed by England refusing to allow Scotland to continue using sterling as its currency. Not to mention Scots arguing amongst themselves whether to keep the Queen as head of state or not.
Happy days ahead!